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with SPAD powered vTAU camera
The complete high-speed recording solution
High-speed camera for fluorescence imaging
Intensified high-speed camera
Intensified camera with ultra-short gating
High-speed Intensified Camera Attachment
Compact lens-coupled image intensifier
Intensifier Control
Unit for Automated Systems
Record and edit high-speed videos with one or multiple cameras.
Record and analyze fluorescence lifetime images.
Custom imaging products, sensors and software for low light level applications.


Capture lets you record and edit highspeed videos with one or multiple cameras.

Gen<I>cam support

CXP6/CPX12 cameras support

Multi-camera support for long term recording


Easy to use software, windows based, that offers to record, view and combine multiple cameras in one setup. The software is compatible with a wide range of cameras, providing the option to integrate your own cameras into an imaging setup easily. It features recording to RAM or Hard drive, a Triggered recording, and timelapse recording.

With the external Application Programming Interface (API), Capture can be customised and integrated in an existing setup. Through the API, you have access to device settings, recording parameters and image data.


The following platforms are compatible with the Capture API:


High-speed imaging made easy
Capture makes high-speed imaging easy. Record high-speed video with one or multiple cameras simultaneously. Trigger a recording at just the right moment with Trigger Offset. Trim your recordings to select the interesting parts. Apply your favourite Lookup Table to simplify interpretation. And export your videos in a variety of widely-supported file formats.

Multiple cameras simultaneously
View and record images with multiple cameras at the same time. Connect any combination of compatible cameras, press record and let Capture take care of the rest.

Built-in intensifier control
Control everything about your intensified camera in one place with the built-in intensifier control panel in Capture.

Never miss a shot
Start a recording and wait for the perfect moment to finish it. Capture records what happens before you trigger the end of the recording and then continues for a specified duration. That way, you can trigger the end of the recording when you see something interesting happen. Or you can trigger the end of the recording through the Trigger In port of your camera.

Capture speaks your language
The Capture Application Programming Interface (API) lets you integrate Capture’s functionality in your existing setup. Through the API, you have access to device settings, recording parameters and image data.

Frame Grabbers

Silicon Software
microEnable 5 marathon series

Coaxlink series


Compatible Hardware

Request more information

    Lambert Instruments BV

    Leonard Springerlaan 19
    9727 KB Groningen
    The Netherlands

    Contact Us

    5th floor,
    Leonard Springerlaan 19
    9727KB Groningen
    The Netherlands

    +31 (0) 50 501 8461