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with SPAD powered vTAU camera
The complete high-speed recording solution
High-speed camera for fluorescence imaging
Intensified high-speed camera
Intensified camera with ultra-short gating
High-speed Intensified Camera Attachment
Compact lens-coupled image intensifier
Intensifier Control
Unit for Automated Systems
Record and edit high-speed videos with one or multiple cameras.
Record and analyze fluorescence lifetime images.
Custom imaging products, sensors and software for low light level applications.


with SPAD powered vTAU camera



available in Widefield, Spinning-disk confocal, and TIRF configurations as well as Spectral and SPIM


a cost-effective way of doing quantitative FLIM


LIFA is compatible with every type of fluorescence microscope with a camera output


The Lambert Instruments LIFA FLIM system is the fastest and easiest way to perform Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM).

Available in versatile configurations dependent on your specific applications, the LIFA system offers a turn-key solution for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. Compatible with any fluorescence microscope with a camera output – including microscopes by Leica, Nikon, Olympus, TILL and Zeiss. Set up is quick and easy, with all hardware integrated seamlessly with our dedicated LIFA software, so you can focus on your experiment.

The advanced software instantly analyses data and presents the calculated fluorescence lifetimes visually. Recorded images are compatible with ImageJ, FIJI, Matlab and MetaMorph, while detailed statisitcal data can be exported to an Excel worksheet.

Read more about LIFA software.


Experiments from start to finish
From recording images to lifetime calculation and data analysis

Dedicated LIFA software
Using our stand-alone LIFA Software, you can instantly calculate the fluorescence lifetime and presents it as a colour coded overlay and a phaser plot. 

Comprehensive SDK
Our software development kit (SDK) provides a flexible platform for integrating and automating experiments, offering you full control and customization of your fluorescence lifetime measurements.

Broad Lifetime Range
From sub microsecond down to picoseconds

Multiple configurations
System components to suit your applications

Non-phototoxic illumination



Bacteria research

B. subtilis cells where GFP-tagRFP fluorophores are linked are mixed in a 1:1 ratio with B. subtilis cells where the GFP-tagRFP fluorophores are cleaved apart; resulting in a mix of cells with either short GFP fluorescence lifetime due to quenching by tagRFP or long GFP fluorescence lifetime.

Image courtesy of the University of Groningen.

High-throughput screening

Researchers at the University of Amsterdam developed a multi-position fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) screening method to screen for bright FPs. However, this method can be applied to any experiment in which the fluorescence lifetime is an important parameter.

Image courtesy of the University of Amsterdam.

Live-cell Imaging

Track how the lifetimes in your sample change over time with the built-in time-lapse feature. Just set the duration and time between measurements and our software does the rest.

This video shows a time-lapse of HeLa cells. After 150 seconds isoproterenol is added, which results in a rapid increase of cAMP and a corresponding increase in fluorescence lifetime. This is followed by cAMP decomposition and a steady decrease in fluorescence lifetime.

FLIM data courtesy of the Netherlands Cancer Institute.


SPAD powered FLIM system

Simplify experiments for researchers and imaging centres with the vTAU SPAD camera; combining excellent light sensitivity with easy image acquisition and data analysis.

Minimise measurement duration, automate image acquisition, and simplify data analysis… factors of great importance for cell biology, cancer research and high-throughput screening.

vTAU easily integrates into any FLIM system, providing a plug-n-play experience that allows for seamless switching between setups.

Key features

Unique image sensor

Ultra-high sensitive SPAD detector for up to 100 lifetime images per second

Multiple image modes

Including regular Frequency-Domain FLIM acquisition and Time-Lapse recordings


Pixel resolution: 512 x 512 px

Pixel size: 16 μm

Lifetime range: 0.2 to 300ns

Frame rate: over 300 fps

Sensor type: SPAD


System Components

The LIFA vTAU system includes:

Dedicated LIFA Software

Light source(s) according to your application

Computer with USB and HDMI connection

On-site system installation (optional)

1 day of hands-on training (optional)

Phone, email and remote desktop support

LIFA Software

Seamless integration of hardware for full system control

Guides user through FLIM experiments from start to finish.

Supports third-party hardware for a flexible and expandable system.

Time-lapse capabilities for extended experiments.

Data export for seamless analysis and sharing.

Triggered recording for precise data capture.

SDK and API available for custom integrations.

Light sources

Multi-LED and/or Multi-LASER as required for your set up

Excitation light sources for frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging, supplied according to your required wavelengths.  

For widefield illumination, we provide multi-LED solutions.

For laser illumination, we offer multi-LASER options with single-mode, multi-mode, and liquid light guide configurations.

Multi-LED systems can also be provided with a liquid light guide.



On widefield microscopes, the Toggel camera in combination with the Multi-LED offers a capable yet compact FLIM solution. The vTAU is compatible with the camera port of widefield microscopes and the Multi-LED is compatible with the standard epifluorescence port of widefield microscopes.

Spinning-disk confocal

Being a camera-based system, the Lambert Instruments LIFA system for frequency-domain FLIM is compatible with multi-beam confocal microscopy techniques, most notably the Yokogawa CSU spinning disk series (based on the Nipkow disk scanner), and the VTInfinity series by Visitech International.


Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy facilitates extremely high-contrast visualization and thereby high sensitivity of fluorescence near the cover glass. Typically, the optical section adjacent to the cover glass is about 100 nm. The unique combination of TIRF and frequency-domain FLIM makes it possible to measure lifetimes of, for instance, small focal adhesions near the cover glass.

Request More Information

    Lambert Instruments BV

    Leonard Springerlaan 19
    9727 KB Groningen
    The Netherlands

    User Publications

    Researchers around the world use the LIFA in their studies. Opposite is an overview of the most recent publications describing research that was done using a LIFA.

    For a complete overview of applications, please visit our applications pages and our selected LIFA publications on the Lambert main site for more information.

    Featured LIFA users

    Contact Us

    5th floor,
    Leonard Springerlaan 19
    9727KB Groningen
    The Netherlands

    +31 (0) 50 501 8461