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with SPAD powered vTAU camera
The complete high-speed recording solution
High-speed camera for fluorescence imaging
Intensified high-speed camera
Intensified camera with ultra-short gating
High-speed Intensified Camera Attachment
Compact lens-coupled image intensifier
Intensifier Control
Unit for Automated Systems
Record and edit high-speed videos with one or multiple cameras.
Record and analyze fluorescence lifetime images.
Custom imaging products, sensors and software for low light level applications.

HiCAM Fluo

Cooled High-speed Camera for Fluorescence Imaging

High-Speed Camera


frame rate over 2000 fps


down to single photon level


record directly to hard drive


The HiCAM Fluo is a high-speed camera for fluorescence imaging applications. It records high resolution images at a frame rate over 2000 fps in the most challenging low-light conditions by using a cooled image intensifier. Packed into a compact aluminum enclosure, it is easy to attach the HiCAM Fluo to any fluorescence microscope. 

Fluorescence Imaging Applications

High-speed fluorescence imaging, bioluminescence and chemiluminescence detection for in-vivo imaging

Time-resolved imaging of fluids for microfluidic research

Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)

Time-resolved imaging and spectroscopy using ultra-short exposures (<3ns)

Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF)

Super-slow motion combustion research

Plasma physics research

·       Single-photon imaging microscopy and quantum physics 

Plasma physics research for fusion energy


Fiber-optically coupled intensifier
This offers a unique combination of high speed imaging and increased light sensitivity down to single photon level. 

To transfer all high-resolution image data, the HiCAM Fluo streams live over a CoaXPress (CXP) interface. The camera features four CXP connectors, each supporting channel speeds of up to 6.25 Gbit/s (CXP-6). For higher bandwidth requirements, CXP-12 compatibility ensures even faster data transfer, optimizing performance for demanding imaging applications.

Ultra-Short Gating
With its gated image intensifier, the camera’s effective exposure time can be reduced. The minimum gate width of 10 ns (FWHM) increases the range of light levels at which the camera can be used. It also eliminates motion blur and enables time-resolved filtering.

Cooled Image Intensifier 
The fanless design of the camera minimises vibrations to ensure sharp images. Very low noise levels are achieved by Peltier cooling the image intensifier. Noise levels are reduced by a factor of up to 100 times as compared to uncooled intensified cameras.

Image Intensifiers 

An image intensifier boosts the intensity of the incoming light. By converting photons to electrons and back to photons, the light intensity can be increased significantly. Scroll down for more information about how this works.

Another feature of an image intensifier is that it can act as an ultra-fast shutter. The photocathode can be switched between on and off in a matter of nanoseconds.

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Fluorescence Imaging


The photocathode is the entrance of the image intensifier. This is where the incoming photons are converted to electrons. The quantum efficiency of the photocathode material specifies how efficient this conversion is for each wavelength.

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Fluorescence Imaging Videos

Recording of a beating heart of a zebrafish. Recorded at 2000 fps with the Lambert Instruments HiCAM on a fluorescence microscope. The blood cells were stained with a DS-red fluorophore.

monArch fluorescent voltage indicator observed with the Lambert Instruments HiCAM Fluo (1000 fps, 1200 x 1000 pixels).

SCAPE 2.0 dual-color, high-speed imaging of blood flow in a beating embryonic zebrafish heart acquired at 100 volumes per second over a 270 x 260 x 128 xyz micron field of view. The heart wall is shown in green (EGFP) and the red blood cells are shown in red (DsRed). Collaboration between Hillman Lab and Kimara Targoff.



Maximum resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels

Frame rate:

1000 fps at full resolution

1500 fps at 1200 x 720 pixels

4000 fps at 640 x 480 pixels

7500 fps at 256 x 256 pixels

Pixel size: 6.6 um 

Pixel depth: 8 or 12 bit

Minimum exposure time: 40 ns

Gating repetition rate: 100 kHz 

Image intensifier: GaAsP (Others optional)

Computer interface: Streaming CoaXPress

Photon gain (max.): 36000 lm/m^2/lx



Maximum resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels

Frame rate: 

2000 fps at full resolution

2500 fps at 1280 x 960 pixels

5100 fps at 640 x 480 pixels

6400 fps at 512 x 384 pixels

Pixel size: 10 um

Pixel depth: 8 bit 

Minimum exposure time: 40 ns

Gating repetition rate: 100 kHz

Image intensifier: GaAsP (Others optional)

Computer interface: Streaming CoaXPress 2.0

Photon gain (max.): 36000 lm/m^2/lx


For more information please download the brochure or datasheet.

Request more information

    Lambert Instruments BV

    Leonard Springerlaan 19
    9727 KB Groningen
    The Netherlands

    User Publications

    Researchers around the world use the HiCAM Fluo in their studies. Opposite is an overview of the most recent publications describing research that was done using a HiCAM Fluo.

    For a complete overview of applications, please visit our applications pages.

    Contact Us

    5th floor,
    Leonard Springerlaan 19
    9727KB Groningen
    The Netherlands

    +31 (0) 50 501 8461