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with SPAD powered vTAU camera
The complete high-speed recording solution
High-speed camera for fluorescence imaging
Intensified high-speed camera
Intensified camera with ultra-short gating
High-speed Intensified Camera Attachment
Compact lens-coupled image intensifier
Intensifier Control
Unit for Automated Systems
Record and edit high-speed videos with one or multiple cameras.
Record and analyze fluorescence lifetime images.
Custom imaging products, sensors and software for low light level applications.


High-speed camera attachment for intensified imaging

HiCATT Image Intensifier

10 MHz IN

for low light imaging with increased sensitivity 


adjust for changing light levels by cycling through three different gate widths


outer-body focus ring adjusts the internal relay optics without altering total length


The High-speed Intensified Camera Attachment (HiCATT) is designed for use with a high-speed camera. It increases the sensitivity of your camera and enables low-light imaging at frame rates up to 1 MHz (10 Mhz in burst)

The technology in the HiCATT expands the dynamic range of your high-speed camera. At low light levels, even single photons can be detected. While at high light levels, overexposure can be prevented by very short exposures (down to 3 ns). These short exposures yield sharp images of fast moving objects.



Combustion research / Hydrogen discovery 

High-speed fluorescence, bioluminescence and chemiluminescence detection for in-vivo imaging

Super-slow motion combustion research for the automotive industry

Time-resolved imaging in plasma physics research

Dynamic phenomena in microscopy

Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF)

Many other industrial or scientific low-light-level applications in high-speed imaging

UV imaging for hydrogen and fusion

HiCATT High-Speed Camera Attachment

The HiCATT is an intensifier attachment for your high-speed camera. It provides increased light sensitivity for high-speed imaging applications. In this photo, the HiCATT is attached to a Phantom Veo 410S.


Optimised for your application
The HiCATT can be configured with a wide range of image intensifiers. Our experienced engineers will help you pick the right image intensifier for your application.

High-speed Imaging
The HiCATT upgrades your high-speed camera to the next level of performance. It boosts the intensity of incoming light at speeds up to 1,000,000 fps.

Ultra-short exposures
The gated image intensifier enables exposure times down to 3 ns. At such short exposure times, motion blur is eliminated completely to ensure sharp images.

50% QE high-sensitivity intensifiers
You can choose from a wide variety of high-sensitivity image intensifiers to match the spectral needs of your application.

Rotating camera mount
Safe and easy camera coupling keeping the HiCATT and the camera in their intended orientation.

Compatible with Shimadzu and Vision Research – We can provide fully integrated solutions tailored to your setup.

Match my camera

The relay optics of HiCATT and TRiCATT project the output of the image intensifier onto the sensor of your camera. This calculator helps you determine the optimal configuration of image intensifer diameter and relay optics for your camera and application.

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Fluorescence Imaging

Image Intensifiers 

An image intensifier boosts the intensity of the incoming light. By converting photons to electrons and back to photons, the light intensity can be increased significantly. Scroll down for more information about how this works.

Another feature of an image intensifier is that it can act as an ultra-fast shutter. The photocathode can be switched between on and off in a matter of nanoseconds.

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Fluorescence Imaging


The photocathode is the entrance of the image intensifier. This is where the incoming photons are converted to electrons. The quantum efficiency of the photocathode material specifies how efficient this conversion is for each wavelength.

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The output of the image intensifier contains a layer of phosphorescent material. Upon impact of an electron, the phosphor screen will emit light. Depending on the type of phosphor, the intensity of the emitted light will decrease faster.


Butane-Propane Flame at 4200 FPS
Flames (mix Butane – Propane) at 4200 fps and 40 us gate open time (effective exposure time), HiCATT 25 image intensifier, high-speed camera attachment with Phantom V4.0 high-speed camera.

Electronic Discharge at 47000 FPS
Electronic Discharge at 47000 fps and 3 us gate open time (effective exposure time), HiCATT 25 image intensifier, high-speed camera attachment with Phantom V7.1 high-speed camera.

Gunshot at 15000 FPS
Non-Intensified vs. Intensified recording of a gunshot with a Phantom V7.1 high-speed camera. Part 1: recorded at 15000 fps and 61µs gate open time (effective exposure time). Part 2: recorded at 15000 fps and 2µs gate open time.

Gas Combustion at 5000 FPS 
Gas combustion observed at 5,000 fps with HICATT High Speed Image Intensifier, Gen 2, 10µs exposure time. The HICATT High Speed Intensifier used for this video was coupled to a NAC Memrecam camera. It is also compatible with pco.Dimax, Phantom, Photron Fastcam or Optronis cameras.


For more information on the HICATT please download our brochure.

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    Lambert Instruments BV

    Leonard Springerlaan 19
    9727 KB Groningen
    The Netherlands

    Featured HiCATT users

    Contact Us

    5th floor,
    Leonard Springerlaan 19
    9727KB Groningen
    The Netherlands

    +31 (0) 50 501 8461