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with SPAD powered vTAU camera
The complete high-speed recording solution
High-speed camera for fluorescence imaging
Intensified high-speed camera
Intensified camera with ultra-short gating
High-speed Intensified Camera Attachment
Compact lens-coupled image intensifier
Intensifier Control
Unit for Automated Systems
Record and edit high-speed videos with one or multiple cameras.
Record and analyze fluorescence lifetime images.
Custom imaging products, sensors and software for low light level applications.


Intensified low-light imaging CMOS camera with ultra-short gating



10-20 times more light efficiency in a compact and light weight form


choose from a wide variety of high sensitivity image intensifiers to match the needs of your application


high sensitivity supplemented with an acquisition speed up to 160 fps.


The TRiCAM is a compact intensified low-light imaging CMOS camera. It is designed for scientific and industrial applications that require low-light imaging. With built-in signal generators, the TRiCAM is capable of ultra-short exposures through fast gating and therefore suitable for time-resolved imaging.


Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)

Time-gated luminescence

Bio- and chemiluminescence imaging

Plasma physics

Single Photon imaging

Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)

Solar PV and LED characterization

Combustion research

Single-molecule imaging

Fluorescence Lifetime-Imaging

Microscopy (FLIM)

Förster Resonance Energy Transfer


Time-gated Raman / Laser Induced

Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)

Time-resolved imaging & spectroscopy

Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT)

High voltage Partial Breakdown (Partial discharge)



Gated image intensifier
The TRiCAM is equipped with an integrated timing pulse generator and a gate-unit, generating gate pulses down to < 3 ns.

Low-light imaging
The TRiCAM has a built-in image intensifier that boosts the incoming light. This way, you can capture detailed images in the most challenging light conditions.

Fiber-optically coupled
Our experienced engineers couple the sensor to the image intensifier with a fiber-optic plate, resulting in a 10 – 20x more light efficient system. The fiber-optic plate is a solid piece of glass that consists of millions of parallel glass fibers sealed together. Each fiber acts as an independent light conductor that transfers the light from the image intensifier to the sensor.

Ultra-short gating
The image intensifier in the TRiCAM can be used as an ultra-fast electronic shutter. This technique is called gating and it can be done in a matter of nanoseconds.

Gating can eliminate motion blur when imaging fast-moving objects or highly dynamic processes. By varying the timing of the gate signal very precisely (tens of picosecond resolution), you can use gating to record a time-resolved light intensity profile.

Optimised for your application
The TRiCAM can be configured with a wide range of image intensifiers. Available image intensifiers cover the entire visual spectrum and the near infrared.

High-resolution sensor
The TRiCAM features a high-resolution CMOS sensor. It captures stunningly detailed images at 1920 x 1200 pixels.

160 fps
At up to 160 fps, the TRiCAM can record slow-motion footage, even in low-light conditions.

Global shutter
With its global shutter readout method, the sensor in the TRiCAM eliminates rolling shutter effects in your images.

Fluorescence Imaging

Image Intensifiers 

An image intensifier boosts the intensity of the incoming light. By converting photons to electrons and back to photons, the light intensity can be increased significantly. Scroll down for more information about how this works.

Another feature of an image intensifier is that it can act as an ultra-fast shutter. The photocathode can be switched between on and off in a matter of nanoseconds.

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Low-light imging 

The TRiCAM has a built-in image intensifier that boosts the incoming light. This way, you can capture detailed images in the most challenging light conditions.

Our experienced engineers will help you pick the right image intensifier for your application.

Fluorescence Imaging


The photocathode is the entrance of the image intensifier. This is where the incoming photons are converted to electrons. The quantum efficiency of the photocathode material specifies how efficient this conversion is for each wavelength.

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Diameter: 18 mm

Minimum Gate Width: 40 ns (< 3 ns optional)

Maximum Repetition Frequency: 300 kHz

Trigger Input: TTL


Resolution: 1920 x 1200 pixels

Pixel Size: 5.86 µm

Frame Rate: 162 fps

Sensor Type: CMOS

Readout Method: Global Shutter

ADC: 10 bit and 12 bit


For more information on the TRiCAM CMOS Camera, please download the brochure.

Request more information

    Lambert Instruments BV

    Leonard Springerlaan 19
    9727 KB Groningen
    The Netherlands

    User Publications

    Researchers around the world use the TRiCAM in their studies. Opposite is an overview of the most recent publications describing research that was done using a TRiCAM.

    For a complete overview of applications, please visit our applications pages.

    Control Unit

    Intensifier Control for automated systems


    and possibility to request for custom firmware


    Computer controlled by USB connection


    Seamlessly integrates with Lambert Instruments’ intensifier attachments


    For integration into a larger system or for automated measurements, the gain control unit for automated systems lets you control the settings of the intensifier attachment. The control unit uses standard TTL and analog signals for communication, allowing the user to switch the intensifier on or off, alter the gain and the anode current limit of the image intensifier without the need of software integration.



    Time resolved imaging

    Synchronization imaging

    Rapid Gate switching to improve dynamic range

    To be used with Lambert Instruments’ Intensifier Attachments.


    Image Intensifier Gain
    By increasing the image intensifier gain, the incoming light intensity will be boosted more, resulting in a brighter image. The intensifier control for automated systems lets you control the gain of the image intensifier.

    Anode Current Limit
    To protect the fragile image intensifier from being damaged by overexposure, the anode current limiter can be used to set a limit for the acceptable anode current. If the anode current exceeds this value, then the image intensifier will be switched to a safe mode.

    The gain control unit for automated systems is compatible with our intensifier attachments: HiCATT and TRiCATT


    A synchronisation signal is needed in order to create an output at the three outputs of the intensifier gate control. This signal can originate from different sources:

    External source: For instance a signal from a frame grabber or a connected camera.

    Software command

    Internal sync source: Gives synchronisation pulses with a fixed frequency. Can generate pulses at frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 4 MHz.

    When using an external synchronisation source, the following modes are available:

    – Synchronise with rising edge of external input pulse

    – Synchronise with falling edge of external input pulse

    – Follow external input pulse

    Advanced gating modes (can be customised to a further extent) 
    – Burst mode
    – Multiple exposures per sync pulse
    – Multiple exposures and Burst mode
    – Rapid gate-setting switching 
    – Enable gate
    – Precision gating
    Timing Resolution 250ps
    Jitter Pulse Width <250 ps RMS
    Jitter Delay <250 ps RMS
    Sync with falling/rising edge Follow external output post
    Pulse width /delay range 10ns – 10s 10ns – 10s
    Timing resolution (Step size) 10ns 10ns
    Jitter pulse width <10ps RMS <10ps RMS
    Jitter delay <10ns RMS <250ns RMS
    Insertion delay  30ns 20ns

    Request more information

      Lambert Instruments BV

      Leonard Springerlaan 19
      9727 KB Groningen
      The Netherlands


      High-speed camera attachment for intensified imaging

      HiCATT Image Intensifier

      10 MHz IN

      for low light imaging with increased sensitivity 


      adjust for changing light levels by cycling through three different gate widths


      outer-body focus ring adjusts the internal relay optics without altering total length


      The High-speed Intensified Camera Attachment (HiCATT) is designed for use with a high-speed camera. It increases the sensitivity of your camera and enables low-light imaging at frame rates up to 1 MHz (10 Mhz in burst)

      The technology in the HiCATT expands the dynamic range of your high-speed camera. At low light levels, even single photons can be detected. While at high light levels, overexposure can be prevented by very short exposures (down to 3 ns). These short exposures yield sharp images of fast moving objects.



      Combustion research / Hydrogen discovery 

      High-speed fluorescence, bioluminescence and chemiluminescence detection for in-vivo imaging

      Super-slow motion combustion research for the automotive industry

      Time-resolved imaging in plasma physics research

      Dynamic phenomena in microscopy

      Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF)

      Many other industrial or scientific low-light-level applications in high-speed imaging

      UV imaging for hydrogen and fusion

      HiCATT High-Speed Camera Attachment

      The HiCATT is an intensifier attachment for your high-speed camera. It provides increased light sensitivity for high-speed imaging applications. In this photo, the HiCATT is attached to a Phantom Veo 410S.


      Optimised for your application
      The HiCATT can be configured with a wide range of image intensifiers. Our experienced engineers will help you pick the right image intensifier for your application.

      High-speed Imaging
      The HiCATT upgrades your high-speed camera to the next level of performance. It boosts the intensity of incoming light at speeds up to 1,000,000 fps.

      Ultra-short exposures
      The gated image intensifier enables exposure times down to 3 ns. At such short exposure times, motion blur is eliminated completely to ensure sharp images.

      50% QE high-sensitivity intensifiers
      You can choose from a wide variety of high-sensitivity image intensifiers to match the spectral needs of your application.

      Rotating camera mount
      Safe and easy camera coupling keeping the HiCATT and the camera in their intended orientation.

      Compatible with Shimadzu and Vision Research – We can provide fully integrated solutions tailored to your setup.

      Match my camera

      The relay optics of HiCATT and TRiCATT project the output of the image intensifier onto the sensor of your camera. This calculator helps you determine the optimal configuration of image intensifer diameter and relay optics for your camera and application.

      Read More

      Fluorescence Imaging

      Image Intensifiers 

      An image intensifier boosts the intensity of the incoming light. By converting photons to electrons and back to photons, the light intensity can be increased significantly. Scroll down for more information about how this works.

      Another feature of an image intensifier is that it can act as an ultra-fast shutter. The photocathode can be switched between on and off in a matter of nanoseconds.

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      Fluorescence Imaging


      The photocathode is the entrance of the image intensifier. This is where the incoming photons are converted to electrons. The quantum efficiency of the photocathode material specifies how efficient this conversion is for each wavelength.

      Read More


      The output of the image intensifier contains a layer of phosphorescent material. Upon impact of an electron, the phosphor screen will emit light. Depending on the type of phosphor, the intensity of the emitted light will decrease faster.


      Butane-Propane Flame at 4200 FPS
      Flames (mix Butane – Propane) at 4200 fps and 40 us gate open time (effective exposure time), HiCATT 25 image intensifier, high-speed camera attachment with Phantom V4.0 high-speed camera.

      Electronic Discharge at 47000 FPS
      Electronic Discharge at 47000 fps and 3 us gate open time (effective exposure time), HiCATT 25 image intensifier, high-speed camera attachment with Phantom V7.1 high-speed camera.

      Gunshot at 15000 FPS
      Non-Intensified vs. Intensified recording of a gunshot with a Phantom V7.1 high-speed camera. Part 1: recorded at 15000 fps and 61µs gate open time (effective exposure time). Part 2: recorded at 15000 fps and 2µs gate open time.

      Gas Combustion at 5000 FPS 
      Gas combustion observed at 5,000 fps with HICATT High Speed Image Intensifier, Gen 2, 10µs exposure time. The HICATT High Speed Intensifier used for this video was coupled to a NAC Memrecam camera. It is also compatible with pco.Dimax, Phantom, Photron Fastcam or Optronis cameras.


      For more information on the HICATT please download our brochure.

      Request More Information

        Lambert Instruments BV

        Leonard Springerlaan 19
        9727 KB Groningen
        The Netherlands

        Featured HiCATT users

        Custom Solutions

        High-End Custom Imaging Solutions for Low Light Applications


        Lambert Instruments specialises in high-end imaging solutions and is known for producing Custom Imaging Products. Custom imaging products for low-light level applications can be made according to customer specifications.

        These can be made according to customer specifications, such as special multi-stage intensifiers, cooled intensifiers, intensified high-speed cameras, intensified CCD cameras, intensified CMOS CCD cameras, and image sensors with fibre optic input windows.


        Our standard product range offers only a part of the available types of camera sensors. But our custom solutions can include just about every type of sensor you can think of.

        We have experience with

        – Line-scan sensors
        – Fiber-coupled scintillators
        – Fiber-coupled line scan/TDI sensors
        – Sensors with interchangeable fiber-optical window

        -High speed spectral imaging

        Image intensifiers

        Lambert Instruments has over twenty years of experience with image intensifiers. Our engineers are experts in choosing the right image intensifier for your imaging application. 

        Our highly specialised customs products include

        – Cooled image intensifiers for ultra-low noise

        – Specialised image intensifier configurations for corona imaging in high-voltage applications

        – Multi-stage image intensifiers with multiple boosters

        Custom software solutions

        Lambert Instruments offers custom software solutions for a wide variety of imaging standards, including

        – GigE Vision

        – GenICam

        – CoaXPress

        – CameraLink

        For more information about our standard software solution, please visit our software page.

        Request more information

          Lambert Instruments BV

          Leonard Springerlaan 19
          9727 KB Groningen
          The Netherlands

          LIFA FLIM System

          with SPAD powered vTAU camera

          LIFA FLIM


          available in Widefield, Spinning-disk confocal, and TIRF configurations as well as Spectral and SPIM


          a cost-effective way of doing quantitative FLIM


          LIFA is compatible with every type of fluorescence microscope with a camera output


          The Lambert Instruments LIFA FLIM system is the fastest and easiest way to perform Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM).

          Available in versatile configurations dependent on your specific applications, the LIFA system offers a turn-key solution for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. Compatible with any fluorescence microscope with a camera output – including microscopes by Leica, Nikon, Olympus, TILL and Zeiss. Set up is quick and easy, with all hardware integrated seamlessly with our dedicated LIFA software, so you can focus on your experiment.

          The advanced software instantly analyses data and presents the calculated fluorescence lifetimes visually. Recorded images are compatible with ImageJ, FIJI, Matlab and MetaMorph, while detailed statisitcal data can be exported to an Excel worksheet.

          Read more about LIFA software.


          Experiments from start to finish
          From recording images to lifetime calculation and data analysis

          Dedicated LIFA software
          Using our stand-alone LIFA Software, you can instantly calculate the fluorescence lifetime and presents it as a colour coded overlay and a phaser plot. 

          Comprehensive SDK
          Our software development kit (SDK) provides a flexible platform for integrating and automating experiments, offering you full control and customization of your fluorescence lifetime measurements.

          Broad Lifetime Range
          From sub microsecond down to picoseconds

          Multiple configurations
          System components to suit your applications

          Non-phototoxic illumination



          Bacteria research

          B. subtilis cells where GFP-tagRFP fluorophores are linked are mixed in a 1:1 ratio with B. subtilis cells where the GFP-tagRFP fluorophores are cleaved apart; resulting in a mix of cells with either short GFP fluorescence lifetime due to quenching by tagRFP or long GFP fluorescence lifetime.

          Image courtesy of the University of Groningen.

          High-throughput screening

          Researchers at the University of Amsterdam developed a multi-position fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) screening method to screen for bright FPs. However, this method can be applied to any experiment in which the fluorescence lifetime is an important parameter.

          Image courtesy of the University of Amsterdam.

          Live-cell Imaging

          Track how the lifetimes in your sample change over time with the built-in time-lapse feature. Just set the duration and time between measurements and our software does the rest.

          This video shows a time-lapse of HeLa cells. After 150 seconds isoproterenol is added, which results in a rapid increase of cAMP and a corresponding increase in fluorescence lifetime. This is followed by cAMP decomposition and a steady decrease in fluorescence lifetime.

          FLIM data courtesy of the Netherlands Cancer Institute.

          LIFA vTAU

          SPAD powered FLIM system

          Simplify experiments for researchers and imaging centres with the vTAU SPAD camera; combining excellent light sensitivity with easy image acquisition and data analysis.

          Minimise measurement duration, automate image acquisition, and simplify data analysis… factors of great importance for cell biology, cancer research and high-throughput screening.

          vTAU easily integrates into any FLIM system, providing a plug-n-play experience that allows for seamless switching between setups.

          Key features

          Unique image sensor

          Ultra-high sensitive SPAD detector for up to 100 lifetime images per second

          Multiple image modes

          Including regular Frequency-Domain FLIM acquisition and Time-Lapse recordings


          Pixel resolution: 512 x 512 px

          Pixel size: 16 μm

          Lifetime range: 0.2 to 300ns

          Frame rate: over 300 fps

          Sensor type: SPAD


          System Components

          The LIFA vTAU system includes:

          Dedicated LIFA Software

          Light source(s) according to your application

          Computer with USB and HDMI connection

          On-site system installation (optional)

          1 day of hands-on training (optional)

          Phone, email and remote desktop support

          LIFA Software

          Seamless integration of hardware for full system control

          Guides user through FLIM experiments from start to finish.

          Supports third-party hardware for a flexible and expandable system.

          Time-lapse capabilities for extended experiments.

          Data export for seamless analysis and sharing.

          Triggered recording for precise data capture.

          SDK and API available for custom integrations.

          Light sources

          Multi-LED and/or Multi-LASER as required for your set up

          Excitation light sources for frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging, supplied according to your required wavelengths.  

          For widefield illumination, we provide multi-LED solutions.

          For laser illumination, we offer multi-LASER options with single-mode, multi-mode, and liquid light guide configurations.

          Multi-LED systems can also be provided with a liquid light guide.



          On widefield microscopes, the Toggel camera in combination with the Multi-LED offers a capable yet compact FLIM solution. The vTAU is compatible with the camera port of widefield microscopes and the Multi-LED is compatible with the standard epifluorescence port of widefield microscopes.

          Spinning-disk confocal

          Being a camera-based system, the Lambert Instruments LIFA system for frequency-domain FLIM is compatible with multi-beam confocal microscopy techniques, most notably the Yokogawa CSU spinning disk series (based on the Nipkow disk scanner), and the VTInfinity series by Visitech International.


          Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy facilitates extremely high-contrast visualization and thereby high sensitivity of fluorescence near the cover glass. Typically, the optical section adjacent to the cover glass is about 100 nm. The unique combination of TIRF and frequency-domain FLIM makes it possible to measure lifetimes of, for instance, small focal adhesions near the cover glass.

          Request More Information

            Lambert Instruments BV

            Leonard Springerlaan 19
            9727 KB Groningen
            The Netherlands

            User Publications

            Researchers around the world use the LIFA in their studies. Opposite is an overview of the most recent publications describing research that was done using a LIFA.

            For a complete overview of applications, please visit our applications pages and our selected LIFA publications on the Lambert main site for more information.

            Featured LIFA users


            Compact lens-coupled image intensifier



            Gen II and Gen III image intensifiers offering the world’s highest resolution and sensitivity in the UV, visible or near infrared


            outer-body focus ring adjusts the internal relay optics without altering total length

            COMPACT DESIGN

            easily fits within your imaging or spectroscopy setup, with a super-compact 18mm version also available 


            The TRiCATT is a compact lens-coupled image intensifier for scientific and industrial applications that require:

            – Low-light level imaging

            – Ultra-short exposures through fast gating

            Any camera with C-mount and a 1/2″, 2/3″, or 1″ image sensor is compatible with the TRiCATT. You can find the right TRiCATT for your camera with our interactive calculator.


            Time-resolved imaging and spectroscopy

            Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)

            Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)

            Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT)

            Time-gated luminescence

            Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)

            Oxygen imaging

            Viscosity imaging

            Single-molecule imaging

            Bio- and chemiluminescence imaging

            Solar PV and LED characterization

            Combustion research

            Time-gated Raman

            Plasma physics

            X-ray Imaging

            Single photon imaging


            Small gate widths
            Gate width down to less than 3 ns (FWHM) with minimal jitter.

            High gate repetition widths
            Up to 300 kHz / 2.5 MHz burst. 1Mhz Optional

            Overexposure Protection
            User-definable current limitation and optional shutter.

            Easy Coupling
            Efficient lens coupling to any CCD and CMOS camera (up to 500 fps) with C-mount input and output.

            Relay Lens
            The high quality relay lens transfers the intensified image to the image sensor of the attached camera very efficiently and without losses in resolution. If required we can provide the 0.5x relay lens with a back focal distance of 13 mm.

            Along with the Image Intensifier TRiCATT Lambert Instruments can deliver different types of CCD and CMOS cameras. If you already have a camera, you can use our interactive calculator to determine which intensifier size and relay optics are best suited for your setup.

            Match my camera

            The relay optics of HiCATT and TRiCATT project the output of the image intensifier onto the sensor of your camera. This calculator helps you determine the optimal configuration of image intensifer diameter and relay optics for your camera and application.

            Read More

            Fluorescence Imaging

            Image Intensifiers 

            An image intensifier boosts the intensity of the incoming light. By converting photons to electrons and back to photons, the light intensity can be increased significantly. Scroll down for more information about how this works.

            Another feature of an image intensifier is that it can act as an ultra-fast shutter. The photocathode can be switched between on and off in a matter of nanoseconds.

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            Fluorescence Imaging


            The photocathode is the entrance of the image intensifier. This is where the incoming photons are converted to electrons. The quantum efficiency of the photocathode material specifies how efficient this conversion is for each wavelength.

            Read More


            The output of the image intensifier contains a layer of phosphorescent material. Upon impact of an electron, the phosphor screen will emit light. Depending on the type of phosphor, the intensity of the emitted light will decrease faster.

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            Specifications and Options

            HiCATT Image Intensifier

            TRiCATT 25

            Image intensifier: 25 mm image intensifier. Gated or modulated. P43 phosphor

            Minimum gate time: 3 ns, 40 ns or 50 ns

            Gate repetition rate*: 100 kHz, 300 kHz or 1 MHz

            Relay optics**: 1:1 or 1.7:1 Fixed aperture

            Input mount: F-mount and C-mount

            Output mount: F-mount and C-mount

            Mechanical shutter: Optional

            Mounting plate: Optional

            TRiCATT 18

            Image intensifier: 18 mm image intensifier. Gated or modulated. P43 phosphor

            Minimum gate time: 3 ns, 40 ns or 50 ns

            Gate repetition rate*: 100 kHz, 300 kHz or 1 MHz

            Relay optics**: 1:1 Fixed aperture

            Input mount: F-mount and C-mount

            Output mount: F-mount and C-mount

            Mechanical shutter: Optional

            Mounting plate: Optional


            TRiCATT 18C

            Image intensifier: 18 mm image intensifier. Gated or modulated. P43 phosphor

            Minimum gate time: 3 ns, 40 ns or 50 ns

            Gate repetition rate*: 100 kHz, 300 kHz or 1 MHz

            Relay optics**: 1:1 Variable aperture

            Input mount: C-mount

            Output mount: C-mount

            Mechanical shutter: Custom design upon request

            Mounting plate: Optional

            Gating Specifications

            Standard Gating

            Width range: 40 ns – 10 s

            Resulting min. pulse width (increments): 40 ns (20ns)

            Pulse repetition rate: < 10 MHz

            Delay jitter (width): ± 10 ns (± 250 ps)

            Insertion delay: 100 ns

            Fast Gating

            Width range: < 3 ns – 10 s

            Resulting min. pulse width (increments): < 3 ns (10 ps)

            Pulse repetition rate: < 16 MHz

            Delay jitter (width): < 35 ps (< 35 ps)

            Insertion delay: 20 ns

            Trigger input: Programmable trigger level, divider and bursts (m out of n triggers)


            Control Units

            The control unit contains a micro-controller, a high voltage power supply and a RF (Radio Frequency) amplifier. The control unit has a low voltage input to receive the external modulation signal. It amplifies this signal and biases it with a variable DC photocathode voltage. The control unit offers control of the MCP voltage for setting the image intensifier gain. The control unit also monitors the light output, and switches off the image intensifier when its light output becomes too high. The control unit supports modulation frequencies up to 120 MHz.



             Manual Gain ControllerGain ControlGate ControlGate Generator
            Gain control   
            Anode current limiter  
            Shutter control  
            Gain control 
            Gate control  
            Internal trigger generator  
            Programmable gate   


            Optional: Signal Generator
            Instead of using an external modulation signal generator, we offer a built-in modulation signal generator as part of the control unit/power supply for frequencies up to 120 MHz.

            Optional: TRiCAM
            As an alternative to the lens-coupled ICCD camera (TRiCATT + CCD), we offer an ICCD camera in which the image intensifier is fiber-optically coupled to the sensor. This is the TRiCAM. This modulated intensified CCD camera is very compact and has a significantly higher gain than the lens-coupled combination as a result of the more efficient and compact fiber coupling.


            For more information on the TRiCATT please download our brochure.

            Request More Information

              Lambert Instruments BV

              Leonard Springerlaan 19
              9727 KB Groningen
              The Netherlands


              Intensified high-speed high-sensitivity imaging camera

              Fluorescence Microscopy Cameras

              HIGH PERFORMANCE

              delivering unprecedented stamina, speed and sensitivity

              HIGH SPEED

              single photon counting suitable for particle physics by making use of scintillation

              HIGH SENSITIVITY

              ranging from Deep UV to NIR to match the spectral needs of your application


              The HiCAM is a gated intensified high-speed high-sensitivity imaging camera. It has an integrated fiber-optically coupled image intensifier, which offers a unique combination of high speed and sensitivity down to single photon level. Because the HiCAM does not need high intensity light sources, it is suitable for use in low-light level conditions.


              Super-slow motion combustion research for the automotive industry

              Time-resolved imaging in plasma physics research

              Dynamic phenomena in microscopy, e.g. Imaging the rotation of single molecules of ATPase

              Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF)

              Flow visualization and velocity measurements using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)

              Time-resolved imaging of fluids for microfluidic research

              Blood flow analysis

              Time-resolved fluorescence

              UV imaging for hydrogen combustion


              Ultra-short Gating
              The camera’s effective exposure time can be reduced to < 3 ns (FWHM) for time resolved imaging, or capturing very fast events.

              Fast Streaming
              To transfer all the high-resolution image data, the HiCAM streams live over a CoaXPress (CXP) interface. The camera has four CXP connectors, each of which has a channel speed of 6.25 Gbit/s.

              Longterm Streaming
              The recordings can be directly streamed to the hard drive. For optimised recorders the length is limited only by drive capacity.

              High-sensitivity Intensifiers
              You can choose from a wide variety of high-sensitivity image intensifiers to match the spectral needs of your application.

              Cycled Bursts
              Adjust for changing light levels by cycling through three different gate widths and optionally combine this with the burst mode to optimize the dynamic range.

              Fiber-optically Coupled
              Our experienced engineers couple the sensor to the image intensifier with a fiber-optic window.

              Fluorescence Imaging

              Image Intensifiers 

              An image intensifier boosts the intensity of the incoming light. By converting photons to electrons and back to photons, the light intensity can be increased significantly. Scroll down for more information about how this works.

              Another feature of an image intensifier is that it can act as an ultra-fast shutter. The photocathode can be switched between on and off in a matter of nanoseconds.

              Read More

              Fluorescence Imaging


              The photocathode is the entrance of the image intensifier. This is where the incoming photons are converted to electrons. The quantum efficiency of the photocathode material specifies how efficient this conversion is for each wavelength.

              Read More


              Super-slow motion video of a gas flame recorded with the Lambert Instruments HiCAM at 1000 fps (frame rate) and gating of 15 us (effective exposure time). Resolution: 1280 x 512 pixels.

              High-speed recording of a cork burning in plasma. Recorded with a HiCAM at 5000 fps.

              Recording of a beating heart of a zebrafish. Recorded at 2000 fps with the HiCAM on a fluorescence microscope. The blood cells were stained with a DS-red fluoropho.

              A touch-me-not plant bursting open. Captured with a HiCAM with 18 us gating.


              HICAM, 1000 

              Framerate (Full Resolution): 1000 fps

              Sensor Resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels

              Streaming: HiCAM 1000: CoaXPress

              Bit Depth: 8 and 12 bit

              HICAM, 2000 

              Framerate (Full Resolution): 2000 fps

              Sensor Resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels

              Streaming: HiCAM 2000: CoaXPress

              Bit Depth: 8

              The dual-stage image intensifier, specially designed for high-speed cameras, can be equipped with a variety of photocathodes; ranging from ultra violet to infra red. Adapting the photocathode will give maximum output brightness to enhance Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Moreover, the image intensifier is fiber-optically coupled to a CMOS sensor. This further increases SNR, as compared to a lens-coupled system.


              For more information on the HiCAM, please download the brochure.

              Request more information

                Lambert Instruments BV

                Leonard Springerlaan 19
                9727 KB Groningen
                The Netherlands

                User Publications

                Researchers around the world use the HiCAM for high-speed high-sensitivity imaging in their studies. Opposite is an overview of the most recent publications describing research that was done using a HiCAM.

                For a complete overview of applications, please visit our applications pages.


                Complete high-speed recording solution

                high-speed recording with multiple cameras

                ZOOM BACK INTO TIME

                to optimise efficiency and reliability of your production process


                without intermittent downloads

                MULTI-CAMERA SYSTEM

                view and record images with multiple cameras at the same time.


                Stamina combines advanced hardware with easy to use software to offer a complete multi-camera recording solution for your imaging challenges. With the complete imaging system it becomes possible to record, view and combine multiple cameras in one setup. Our software is compatible with a wide range of cameras, providing the option to integrate your own cameras into the imaging setup easily.

                With Stamina, all recordings can be synchronised and all image data is directly streamed to the solid storage, enabling longterm streaming. With the external Application Programming Interface (API), Stamina can be further customised and integrated in your existing setup. Through the API, you have access to device settings, recording parameters and image data.

                Stamina is a completely customizable multi-camera recording and imaging solution. Our experienced sales engineers will advise you on the right system for your application.


                Troubleshooting high speed events (triggered recording)

                Reliability engineering

                Long-term multi camera recording

                High speed / High resolution recording with multiple cameras


                Add your Own Camera
                Stamina is compatible with a wide range of cameras, providing the option to integrate your own (high-speed) cameras into the imaging setup easily.

                Complete Solution
                Stamina combines advanced hardware with easy to use software to offer a complete solution for your imaging challenges.

                Long term streaming
                By directly streaming to the hard drive, Stamina makes long term streaming easy. The maximal recording length only depends on the available storage space.

                Control all hardware into one place
                Change and control the settings of all compatible hardware in one place with Capture.

                API Available
                Integrate Stamina into your existing setup with the Application Programming Interface (API). The following platforms are compatible with the API: MATLAB, LabVIEW, Python 3 (64 bit).


                System set up

                Multi-Camera Recording


                For more information on the STAMINA please download our brochure.

                Request more information

                  Lambert Instruments BV

                  Leonard Springerlaan 19
                  9727 KB Groningen
                  The Netherlands

                  News Publications

                  Read about STAMINA’s launch at Photonics West 2022.

                  HiCAM Fluo

                  Cooled High-speed Camera for Fluorescence Imaging

                  High-Speed Camera

                  HIGH SPEED CAMERA

                  frame rate over 2000 fps

                  HIGH SENSITIVITY

                  down to single photon level

                  LONG TERM STREAMING

                  record directly to hard drive


                  The HiCAM Fluo is a high-speed camera for fluorescence imaging applications. It records high resolution images at a frame rate over 2000 fps in the most challenging low-light conditions by using a cooled image intensifier. Packed into a compact aluminum enclosure, it is easy to attach the HiCAM Fluo to any fluorescence microscope. 

                  Fluorescence Imaging Applications

                  High-speed fluorescence imaging, bioluminescence and chemiluminescence detection for in-vivo imaging

                  Time-resolved imaging of fluids for microfluidic research

                  Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)

                  Time-resolved imaging and spectroscopy using ultra-short exposures (<3ns)

                  Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF)

                  Super-slow motion combustion research

                  Plasma physics research

                  ·       Single-photon imaging microscopy and quantum physics 

                  Plasma physics research for fusion energy


                  Fiber-optically coupled intensifier
                  This offers a unique combination of high speed imaging and increased light sensitivity down to single photon level. 

                  To transfer all high-resolution image data, the HiCAM Fluo streams live over a CoaXPress (CXP) interface. The camera features four CXP connectors, each supporting channel speeds of up to 6.25 Gbit/s (CXP-6). For higher bandwidth requirements, CXP-12 compatibility ensures even faster data transfer, optimizing performance for demanding imaging applications.

                  Ultra-Short Gating
                  With its gated image intensifier, the camera’s effective exposure time can be reduced. The minimum gate width of 10 ns (FWHM) increases the range of light levels at which the camera can be used. It also eliminates motion blur and enables time-resolved filtering.

                  Cooled Image Intensifier 
                  The fanless design of the camera minimises vibrations to ensure sharp images. Very low noise levels are achieved by Peltier cooling the image intensifier. Noise levels are reduced by a factor of up to 100 times as compared to uncooled intensified cameras.

                  Image Intensifiers 

                  An image intensifier boosts the intensity of the incoming light. By converting photons to electrons and back to photons, the light intensity can be increased significantly. Scroll down for more information about how this works.

                  Another feature of an image intensifier is that it can act as an ultra-fast shutter. The photocathode can be switched between on and off in a matter of nanoseconds.

                  Read More

                  Fluorescence Imaging


                  The photocathode is the entrance of the image intensifier. This is where the incoming photons are converted to electrons. The quantum efficiency of the photocathode material specifies how efficient this conversion is for each wavelength.

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                  Fluorescence Imaging Videos

                  Recording of a beating heart of a zebrafish. Recorded at 2000 fps with the Lambert Instruments HiCAM on a fluorescence microscope. The blood cells were stained with a DS-red fluorophore.

                  monArch fluorescent voltage indicator observed with the Lambert Instruments HiCAM Fluo (1000 fps, 1200 x 1000 pixels).

                  SCAPE 2.0 dual-color, high-speed imaging of blood flow in a beating embryonic zebrafish heart acquired at 100 volumes per second over a 270 x 260 x 128 xyz micron field of view. The heart wall is shown in green (EGFP) and the red blood cells are shown in red (DsRed). Collaboration between Hillman Lab and Kimara Targoff.


                  HICAM FLUO, 1000 FPS 

                  Maximum resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels

                  Frame rate:

                  1000 fps at full resolution

                  1500 fps at 1200 x 720 pixels

                  4000 fps at 640 x 480 pixels

                  7500 fps at 256 x 256 pixels

                  Pixel size: 6.6 um 

                  Pixel depth: 8 or 12 bit

                  Minimum exposure time: 40 ns

                  Gating repetition rate: 100 kHz 

                  Image intensifier: GaAsP (Others optional)

                  Computer interface: Streaming CoaXPress

                  Photon gain (max.): 36000 lm/m^2/lx


                  HICAM FLUO, 2000 FPS 

                  Maximum resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels

                  Frame rate: 

                  2000 fps at full resolution

                  2500 fps at 1280 x 960 pixels

                  5100 fps at 640 x 480 pixels

                  6400 fps at 512 x 384 pixels

                  Pixel size: 10 um

                  Pixel depth: 8 bit 

                  Minimum exposure time: 40 ns

                  Gating repetition rate: 100 kHz

                  Image intensifier: GaAsP (Others optional)

                  Computer interface: Streaming CoaXPress 2.0

                  Photon gain (max.): 36000 lm/m^2/lx


                  For more information please download the brochure or datasheet.

                  Request more information

                    Lambert Instruments BV

                    Leonard Springerlaan 19
                    9727 KB Groningen
                    The Netherlands

                    User Publications

                    Researchers around the world use the HiCAM Fluo in their studies. Opposite is an overview of the most recent publications describing research that was done using a HiCAM Fluo.

                    For a complete overview of applications, please visit our applications pages.

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                    Short Descriptor of Product

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                    View HiCATT

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                      Lambert Instruments BV

                      Leonard Springerlaan 19
                      9727 KB Groningen
                      The Netherlands

                      User Publications

                      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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                      Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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                      Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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                      Contact Us

                      5th floor,
                      Leonard Springerlaan 19
                      9727KB Groningen
                      The Netherlands

                      +31 (0) 50 501 8461